Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thank You To Our Child Sponsors!

The child sponsorship program at the Children’s Village at Christian City is one of our most important and yet simple avenues of supporting the ministry to children placed into our safe keeping. It is because of the generosity and concern of our child sponsors that our 43 year old children’s program continues to be successful. These child sponsorships help us to provide a safe haven for children needing out of home placement, as well as nutritious meals, educational opportunities, and Christian house parents directing the spiritual growth of each child.Our children come to us for many reasons and most often they are not related to anything under the control of the child. Children are admitted into our program regardless of race, sex, religion, national origin, or their family’s ability to help pay for their care. Our ministry to children, God’s children, thanks those of you who have been faithfully committed to be a financial supporter as a child sponsor. Your generosity enables us to make a positive difference in the lives of our children! If you are not currently enrolled in this ministry and would like to be a financial child sponsor, or a child mentor, please contact Lauren Kosiba at The Children’s Village at Christian City 770-964-3309 or email her:

To learn more about the Children's Village at Christian City visit our website at

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