Friday, June 12, 2009

Real Love, Bringing Hope & Change

Our children benefit deeply from the loving investment of dedicated houseparents. They couldn't do what they do without YOUR investment.
God empowers our house parents to work through Him in every interaction they have with the children in their home. Through Him, houseparents provide the love and a solid foundation our children need for success. This success is portrayed daily in spiritual and social victories, educational achievements, and reunification of families.

Imagine a snapshot of children as they experience the joy and excitement of baptism. Or, the furrowed brow of a child contemplating the best way to give back to his community. Imagine a giddy young girl asking her houseparent to her school’s father-daughter dance. Or, the triumphant shout as a young lady opens a long-awaited envelope from a great college to discover she’s been accepted into the freshman class. These “Kodak moments” are not uncommon at The Children’s Village. We are fortunate to experience these life-changing events one child at a time.

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