Thursday, June 25, 2009

Christian City is now on GoodSearch!

With the economy suffering, money has become an issue with families all over the United States including our family at Christian City. We rely on the support of our generous sponsors and donors to keep up the daily operations at Christian City. With GoodSearch you can now give back to Christian City by simply using the internet. GoodSearch is a search engine powered by Yahoo that gives one cent for every search the user does under a designated charity. All you have to do is designate the charity as Christian City in Union City and start searching, it’s that easy! You can also use GoodShop while you shop online at participating online stores to raise money for Christian City. GoodShop, a section of GoodSearch, will give the designated charity a percentage of the purchased amount at participating online stores. If 100 people used GoodSearch only twice a day for a year, then Christian City would receive $730! So what are you waiting for? Go to and start raising money today for Christian City!

To learn more about Christian City, visit our website at

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Publix Super Markets And Customers Raise More Than $331,000 During Holiday Fundraiser To Benefit 34 Regional Charities

Union City, GA—Publix Super Markets Atlanta Division raised $331,834 during the annual Food For All holiday season fundraiser that appeared in stores from November 16 to December 27, 2008. The six-week Food For All campaign gave customers the opportunity to make a $1, $3 or $5 contribution by simply selecting a coupon and having the cashier scan it. The donation appeared on the register receipt. Thirty-four regional charities were presented with checks during the month of May, including a $ 3,135.65 check to The Children’s Village at Christian City to support the abandoned, neglected and abused children who live in the cottages on their campus. Since 1995, Publix Atlanta Division has raised more than $2,348,000 for local charities through the holiday season Food For All program.

“Thanks to the generosity of our customers, more than three dozen regional and local food banks, food pantries and other non-profit agencies will benefit. The Food For All fundraising campaign is a simple and effective way for our associates and customers to give back to their communities,” says Brenda Reid, Manager of Media and Community Relations, Publix Super Markets, Atlanta Division. Located in Union City, Christian City has been caring for less fortunate children in a residential setting since 1965. More than 1,000 children have called Christian City “home” and have benefited from loving, Christian staff and houseparents. For more information on The Children’s Village and on how you can make a donation, volunteer, or become a child sponsor please call 770-703-2636 or visit

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thank You To Our Child Sponsors!

The child sponsorship program at the Children’s Village at Christian City is one of our most important and yet simple avenues of supporting the ministry to children placed into our safe keeping. It is because of the generosity and concern of our child sponsors that our 43 year old children’s program continues to be successful. These child sponsorships help us to provide a safe haven for children needing out of home placement, as well as nutritious meals, educational opportunities, and Christian house parents directing the spiritual growth of each child.Our children come to us for many reasons and most often they are not related to anything under the control of the child. Children are admitted into our program regardless of race, sex, religion, national origin, or their family’s ability to help pay for their care. Our ministry to children, God’s children, thanks those of you who have been faithfully committed to be a financial supporter as a child sponsor. Your generosity enables us to make a positive difference in the lives of our children! If you are not currently enrolled in this ministry and would like to be a financial child sponsor, or a child mentor, please contact Lauren Kosiba at The Children’s Village at Christian City 770-964-3309 or email her:

To learn more about the Children's Village at Christian City visit our website at

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Learning To Do Unto Others...

Train up a child in the way he should go ... and when he is old he will not depart from it. —Proverbs 22:6

These wonderful words of encouragement in parenting from God’s Word are part of the impetus for the development of The Children’s Village ‘servanthood project’ for our children. In a day and time when children often receive more than they need, we want our children at The Children’s Village to not only be appreciative and respectful of their gifts and care they receive, but to also experience the blessing of reaching out to others. This is a type of “pay it forward” experience for each and every one of them.

We are taking this Bible verse seriously, and we have challenged our house parents in each cottage at The Village to identify a “servanthood project” for their cottage children to be completed no less than once every other month. The area of their service project is determined by the cottage family.

This project has turned into a wonderful opportunity for our children at The Village. They have not only embraced the idea, but it has now expanded into a monthly event for several of our cottages. We are seeing blessings both given and received through their efforts. One of our girls cottages adopted one of our Senior residents on campus and assisted with clean up around the inside and outside of the home.

Recently, several of the boys and their relief house parent volunteered at the FISH HOUSE. The FISH HOUSE is a ministry of Jesus’ Place in Atlanta, serving as a home for men who have been through a drug rehabilitation program, and have committed themselves to remain in the program for 6 months.

The boys from The Children’s Village helped prepare and pack lunch bags for 2 hours to help feed men, women and young people who live on the streets of Atlanta, homeless and hungry. The Director at the FISH HOUSE told house parent Mike Cater that our young men saved them approximately 8 hours of work, preparing just under 500 meals.

We are trusting God that He will use these servant-hood projects in our effort to “train up a child in the way he should go”, so that it will help instill in the hearts and minds of our children that it is indeed more “blessed to give than to receive”. It is our prayer that this might encourage our children to live a life of gratitude and service to others in HIS name, so that “when they are old they will not depart from it”.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shopping or Donating Goods at Graceland Helps Children

We have all heard the expression “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure” when folks are discussing their “finds” at yard sales, consignment shops, and thrift stores. Some even say that “Things are better the second time around”. Well, we think you will find “treasures” and “bargains galore” and be a blessing to the children in our care.

Perhaps one of the best “treasures” that you may not be aware of, is that the net proceeds from the sales at Graceland Thrift Store are used to help cover the educational costs of our children at The Children’s Village. Many of the children here come to us with educational, and emotional deprivation. They sometimes have experienced developmental and educational difficulties that require specialized educational settings and assistance to complete their basic education plan.
Graceland Thrift Store is open for donations Monday through Saturday from 9:00am-3:00pm, and for your shopping convenience Tues, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9:30am-2:00pm. For more information about Graceland Thrift Store visit our website at or call Marlond Fyffe, Graceland Director at 770-969-9957. Come find your treasure!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sponsorship Helps Bring Hope

Abuse takes many forms but it always casts a shadow deep into the soul of the child struggling to make sense of it. Children coming to the Children’s Village at Christian City are too often familiar with the gnawing pain of abandonment, neglect, verbal, emotional, physical or sexual abuse — and the fear and hopelessness that usually tags along. Rare is the child who can remain strong in the face of such challenges. Some lose heart, wondering if God is good, if He really loves them, or if adults can be trusted…or if the sun will ever shine again. Some become downtrodden and defeated, others may lash out.

Because of your kindness as a sponsor, our compassionate houseparents at the Children’s Village can put their arms around these kids and welcome them into a safe, and loving home. They begin opening the windows to their world, letting the light of Christ’s love stream in. They speak kindly to them, give them hugs, worry over them, help them with their homework, and provide food, clothing, and guidance. They pray with them, and tell them that God loves them...and that they love them.

These precious ones who have sometimes experienced more pain in their short lives than many of us will know in a lifetime, can begin to lift their heads to the light of hope, provision, trust and a new day. Child Sponsors make it possible for the Children’s Village to effect meaningful change to their future, to impact them in ways that will last a lifetime.

Your sponsorship funds bring needy children the things every parent wants to provide their own child. Safety, security, trust, love, guidance and instruction and the boundaries children need to feel safe and protected. For over 45 years, this ministry has received hurting children through it’s doors and embraced the privilege of parenting them as any Godly parent would their own. The changed lives that have resulted and continue to happen are a testament to God’s grace and the generosity of you who stand with these children, through your sacrificial giving. Please help us continue!

Visit our website at to learn more about our mission.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Real Love, Bringing Hope & Change

Our children benefit deeply from the loving investment of dedicated houseparents. They couldn't do what they do without YOUR investment.
God empowers our house parents to work through Him in every interaction they have with the children in their home. Through Him, houseparents provide the love and a solid foundation our children need for success. This success is portrayed daily in spiritual and social victories, educational achievements, and reunification of families.

Imagine a snapshot of children as they experience the joy and excitement of baptism. Or, the furrowed brow of a child contemplating the best way to give back to his community. Imagine a giddy young girl asking her houseparent to her school’s father-daughter dance. Or, the triumphant shout as a young lady opens a long-awaited envelope from a great college to discover she’s been accepted into the freshman class. These “Kodak moments” are not uncommon at The Children’s Village. We are fortunate to experience these life-changing events one child at a time.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland sends "Chair-ity" Event Letter

“I want to thank everyone (attending the “Chair-ity” event) for their support of Christian City, which provides an incredible ministry.”

Christian City’s leaders are dear friends who have given their lives to serving the Lord by serving others. My previous experiences with Christian City charities have left me humbled by the great work they are doing.The work at Christian City has touched my family deeply. My wife Joan’s niece and nephew lived there briefly. Joan’s mother and my uncle used the hospice facility and my grandfather lived in the Christian City nursing home. For me personally, I spent many happy evenings on the Christian City softball fields (now the site of a new building) and currently I’m proud to serve on the advisory committee. Joan and I renew our commitment to Christian City each Christmas by acting as Santa for two children living there.

As Christians, we are called to help “the least of these.” Christian City does much more than provide for the physical needs of our society’s most precious and vulnerable assets, our children; it also gives life lessons, love, guidance and Christian mentoring.

The Bible tells us that in God’s Kingdom the first shall be last and the last shall be first. With your attendance and support tonight, you are putting the last first. You are making a positive difference in a child’s life. May God bless each of you and may He continue to bless Christian City.”- Lynn Westmoreland, US Congressman, 3rd District of Georgia

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Simon's Story

Simon (not his real name) came to Christian City in dire straits.

He was wheelchair bound because of a progressive disease that causes bones to become thin and brittle. There was a chance that if he tried to walk, his legs wouldn’t support him and break, but if he didn’t start walking again soon, he would have lost the ability permanently. So it was terrifying to Simon to try to walk on his own.

Ever since coming to Christian City, the houseparents have encouraged him to try standing on his own while holding onto something like a counter or table, and then try using a walker inside instead of the wheelchair. The encouragement progressed and now he is able to move around freely without his wheelchair or a walker. He’s enjoyed playing outside with the other kids and has even danced for the first time at some of the Christmas parties.

Simon still has a way to go with strengthening his body, but he has made tremendous progress! This past month he even went with his housedad on a Christian retreat in Tennessee. Every day there was heavy walking involved and even the housedad said his calves were burning after one day of walking. But Simon never complained and he kept up with everyone, walking the entire time. He’s no longer afraid of crowds and he’s just as proud of his progress as all of the houseparents and staff at Christian City.

Way to Go Simon!

There are so many ways you can help our children…Please consider becoming a child sponsor. Your $30 a month will help provide a safe and loving home, food, clothing, medical care, educational needs and all the necessities of life to a deserving child. Won’t you please be a blessing to a child today?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thank You, Fire-fighters for Christ!

The Macon-Bibb County Fire Fighters For Christ traveled to Christian City bringing equipment and expertise for our Open House and Pancake Breakfast November 1st. We're so grateful for their help and SACRIFICE arriving at 4:30 am on a very cold morning to set up and flip pancakes to feed 500!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Civitans Raise Over $28,000 At Statewide Golf Tournament For Christian City

The Line Creek Civitans and the Fayette County Civitan Clubs joined hands to host a statewide golf tournament which raised over $28,000 for Christian City. The money will be used to support our new initiative for residential housing on our campus for the developmentally disabled. Thank you Civitans! Pictured are President/CEO Bob Crutchfield and COO of The Children’s Village Phil Kouns accepting the check.

Please visit our website Christian City for more information at

Friday, June 5, 2009

Taking Wii to the Next Level!

Christian City Seniors Have A "Wii" Bit Of Fun In The Name Of Physical Therapy

Who knew that the hottest pastime for teens would also become the hottest trend among seniors? After all, what could these two groups possibly have in common? The answer can be found in household living rooms and senior facilities across America, most recently at Christian City… the Wii video game by Nintendo.

The Wii game that enthralls millions of teens has proved remarkably effective in improving the lives of some seniors as well. It is fast becoming a craze in rehab therapy for patients recovering from strokes, broken bones, surgery and even combat injuries.

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Gift of Gas...Fuel Prices are hurting us too!

Economic hardship is hitting us all, especially at the pumps. At the Children's Village, the high price of gas is making it more and more difficult for our house parents to fill up their tanks in order to take our children where they need to be. Whether it is school, a doctor's appointment, basketball, music, dance, a part time job, or other activities, our house parents are on the road constantly transporting our children. Won't you please help out by mailing in a gift or gift card to be used to help meet this vital, necessary need? No amount is too small and each donation is tax deductible. Thank you and may God Bless you for your generous spirit in these uncertain times.

-Phil Kouns

COO, The Children's Village

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Children's Wish List

Here are some items that we are always in need of at the Children's Village:

-Paper plates, napkins, cups

-Toilet tissue and paper towels

-Canned fruits, vegetables

-Boxed macaroni and cheese

-Peanut butter

-Individually wrapped snacks and drinks



-Personal Hygiene items

-Gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, Kroger, or Publix

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Help them Dream & Help them Soar!

Spring has arrived with storms and sunshine much like the life experiences of many of the children placed with us at The Children’s Village. Our children have often withstood the storms of abuse, neglect, and difficult home situations that most of us have never experienced. But now, they bask in the sunshine of love, security, and safety provided by Christian house parents and the programs of The Children’s Village.

The proverbial statement “It takes a village to raise a child” seems appropriate in describing our need for your partnership in the support of The Children’s Village. It takes all of us to provide the necessary funds and efforts that are needed to continue this successful ministry to help “raise a child” and most importantly, to raise children in a Christian environment.

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Invest in What Matters

Nowadays, investing can be complex, complicated, risky, and sometimes even scary. But it doesn't have to be! Especially when you are investing in providing a better life for a child. The Children’s Village offers an “investment” choice that, in a very real sense, is ironclad safe — the lives of abused and abandoned children! It’s an investment that can last literally forever. Stocks have struggled, the housing market has been reaching for the bottom, but providing for a child in need is an investment that yields immediate, long-term, and eternal dividends!

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