Friday, January 29, 2010

The Children Need Your Help

The children who live in the cottages at the Children’s Village are products of an unstable environment. These children had their childhood taken from them by situations of abuse, neglect, and abandonment. All these kids should have to worry about is what they want to be when they grow up, but the children who come to us have had to worry violence, where their next meal was coming from, and where they were going to sleep. The Children’s Village provides a safe haven for these children so that their only worry is whether they want to be a teacher, veterinarian, or an astronaut.

Please consider helping ensure these kids have a childhood by donating to the Children’s Village at Christian City. You can donate online at

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Self Esteem in Children

Self esteem is an important part of your child’s development. A child with high self esteem can achieve wonderful things in his/her future like being a leader in the community and company. Building self esteem in children who had theirs taken away from them is extremely challenging but not impossible. Many of the children who come to live in the cottages at the Children’s Village have little to no self esteem when they first arrive. With the help of loving house parents, our children have gained the self esteem that is so desperately needed after their difficult past.

When you are building a child’s self esteem, it is important to remember to always be positive.

Children need constant reassurance and praise for their job well done no matter how large or small the accomplishment. Remember to praise your children after they receive an "A" on a test, win a soccer game, or finally learned how to play "Mary Had A Little Lamb" on the piano. Even if your child fails at an activity remember to be positive and support them by saying "I know you can do better next time." Reassurance from a parent, guardian, or adult role model can go along way in creating a strong self esteem.

If you would like to learn more about the Children’s Village, Christian City, or how to sponsor the children, please visit our website at

Monday, January 25, 2010

Invest in the Future

The children who live in the cottages at the Children’s Village have been subject to horrible situations of abuse, neglect, and abandonment. With the help of loving house parents, these children are overcoming their pasts to become leaders in the world. Many of the children are on the honor roll, in honor societies, in after school activities, and are leaders in their organizations. These kids have overcome a horrible past to find a bright future ahead of them.

Please consider investing in what matters…our children. These kids are an inspiration to us all and they will be future leaders in the community. To learn more about the Children’s Village, Christian City, or how to sponsor the children, please visit

Friday, January 22, 2010

Prayer at the Children's Village

Prayer and devotionals is an important part of what we teach the children who live in the cottages at the Children’s Village. Many of the children who come to live here do not have a strong relationship with Jesus, and some have never been introduced to the works in the Bible. Our house parents make prayer and learning about the God’s will an integral part of their everyday life. Many of the children have decided to accept Jesus in their life and have been baptized while living at the Children’s Village.

If you would like to learn more about the Children’s Village, Christian City, or how to sponsor the children, please visit

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Graceland Thrift Store

Graceland thrift store opened in 1984 and was named after "Mama Grace" Duke, who had recently retired from being a house parent. "Mama Grace" started this ministry as a yard sale to raise money for the Home for Children.

The Graceland thrift store at Christian City is filled with wonderful treasures at great prices! All of the proceeds from the store are primarily used for educational needs for the children who live in the cottages at the Children’s Village at Christian City. The store hours are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 9:30am-2:00pm. Come by for some great values and friendly service!

You can donate your gently used items to Graceland on Monday-Saturday from 9:00am-3:00pm.For more information please visit or call (770) 969-9957

Monday, January 18, 2010

Use Goodsearch for Christian City

Do you want to help Christian City and the Children’s Village but you don’t have any money to donate right now? Well you can help by simply using the internet! Use as your search engine and Goodsearch will donate 1 cent per search when you designate Christian City. It is as simple as that! No money comes out of your pocket, you don’t have to create an account, and you’ll be helping Christian City in a very big way! 1 cent may not seem like very much, but if 1000 people do 2 searches per day then Christian City would receive $7,300! Use Goodsearch as your search engine and help raise money for Christian City. Don’t forget to tell your friends!

To learn more about the Children’s Village or Christian City, please visit our website at

Friday, January 8, 2010

Keeping your Kids Healthy

The Children’s Village would like to give you a few helpful hints to keep your child healthy. During the winter months, kids are getting sick with the flu, common cold, and strep throat. It is important to take preventative measures against germs so that your child is healthy especially when they are around other sick children. Make sure your child stays hydrated with water and to eats a balanced diet. It is important that your child is also getting enough sleep; without enough sleep and a balanced diet, the body has a weaker immune system. Your child should also wash his/her hands throughout the day and especially before ingesting any food.

To learn about the Children’s Village or Christian City, please visit our website at

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Compassion for Children

The children who live in the cottages at the children’s village are all victims of abuse, neglect, abandonment, and/or other unfortunate circumstances. When these children come to Christian City, their spirits are crushed, they are angry and defensive, and they do not trust the adults in their lives. Our house parents work with these children and love them unconditionally so that they understand that this relationship is different from relationships they had in the past. The relationship of a house parent with a child is full of love and respect; however, it does take some time for the child to fully be able to love in return.

Our house parents have compassion for these children and love them as their own. The Children’s Village is creating a childhood for these children, which was taken away from them at such an early age. If you would like to learn more about the Children’s Village, Christian City, or how to sponsor the children, please visit

Monday, January 4, 2010

Reporting Child Abuse

Child abuse is a considerable problem in the United States and throughout the world. There are over 100,000 cases of child abuse reported in Georgia alone. This number alone is alarmingly high, but unfortunately child abuse goes unreported on a daily basis. Children stay in unsafe environments because they are too scared to say anything or because they do not know any better. It is important to report any cases of abuse to the authorities so that these children can receive help and the care that they need.

The Children’s Village at Christian City is a safe haven for children who have been victims of abuse, neglect, and/or abandonment. The Children’s Village provides the care that these children need, while also providing them with the love they desperately want. To learn more about the Children’s Village or Christian City, please visit